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Conservation Group


Conservation Group


Conservation Group

Focused on preserving the beauty of nature. Every donation counts in safeguarding our planet's future.

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Don’t know where to start?
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are we?

We are the Global Compass Group and Community. 

Dedicated to create positive impact in key areas of conservation for local food systems, water, soil, wildlife and ecosystems

What we do to serve our planet?

We have specific areas of work in which we have identified with our multidiciplinary team on prioritized community projects, that encourage that we, the occupants of said planet, are in coexistence with the natural enviromental processions that facilitate a continous and permanet cultural system that harmonizes our human-earth relationship, to acieve self-diagnoses and prepared balance and equity for the generational proggression of our natural world.

When do we serve the planet?

The moment you are living your connected existance, wherever you are, Global Compass Conservation Group is working Continously!


Because the Moment to take action is…

Where do we serve the planet?

Fostering Nature and sustainable development in Mexico
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Fostering Nature and Sustainable Development in Ecuador and the Amazon Rainforest
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Fostering Nature and Sustainable Development in Ecuador and the Amazon Rainforest
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Why do we serve our Planet?

Because we Love it!

We love the sounds of birds, the sight and smell of nature’s clean air fragrance and we love pure water running through the mountains and forests!

We love working together with people that love the planet!

How do we serve our Breathtaking  Majestic  Beautiful  Planet?

In only the most effective, fun and participatory ways to guarantee that we align with the originating state of natural ecological processions, and then synthesizing these natural patterns to acheive a sustained cycle of custodianship that contributes to the regeneration and fortification of natural cyclical patterns.